"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"


“I care, we care” is a project conceived by 12 lawyers that attended an advanced legal training course about human rights, in order to prevent and counter gender violence, that is part of HELP, programme led by the European Counsel (“European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals in the European Union”).

Our professional experiences in various fields (such as protection of women victims of violence, equal opportunities, immigration law and so on), highlight the need to spread the culture of legality and respect for diversity, especially in a historical period in which the phenomena of violence are constantly increasing.

Defense of human rights - I care We care

To all of us it was very important to start our project in School because “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” (N. Mandela)
Recognizing violence is essential to counter it and prevent it.

The issues that refer to this cannot be relegated to insiders: young people must know, discuss and make such issues their own , so that they can grasp their negative value and overcome the stereotypes that are often the basis of dramatic new incidentes.

Interactive approach


The program has an interactive approach that provides:

  • - In depth study of key issues in which violence and discrimination occur.
  • - Ways and Instruments of protection of victims.
  • - Equal opportunities and dismantling stereotypes.
  • - Non-violent communication
  • - Participation of other professionals ( psychologists, representatives of the forces of law and order, social workers, direct testimonies).
  • - Confrontation with students and elaboration of proposals and strategies aimed at spreading the culture of legality.

I care We care - Presence throughout the Italian territory

Our presence throughout the Italian territory has allowed us to spread the project in various schools of Italy; the observation of the different regional realities and the comparison with students also allows us to investigate numerous issues related to youth discomfort, both relating to social media networks (cyber bullying, hate speech, revenge porn) and other kinds (body shaming, discrimination and more).

In accordance with the MIUR guidelines for teaching respect, the program will be extended to the primary school, as we are aware that education in equality and non-violence must start from an early age.

Entity, School, University, Company


Our commitment extends to collaboration with universities whose courses are increasingly focussing on deepening the legal instruments aimed at combating violence.

We also collaborate with organizations that deal with the protection of victims of violence to offer legal support and social work training.

Training courses for companies are being developed with the goal to achieve gender equality in the work sector, one of the goals set in the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda.

The Ukrainian colleague Alisa Burtseva said: "I don't know how to use weapons, but I am a lawyer and I help my people with the force of law"; this thought reflects our action. We put at the service of people the “weapons” we have acquired with our study and our professional experience. We want to contribute in every field to spread the universal principles of legality.

I care We care - United to spread the cardinal principles of legality

Acknowledgments: special thanks to Nico Comotti for the invaluable help in translating the contents of the site; to Rossella Carparelli for her fundamental support in the creation of the Association; to Francesco Spaghi for the competence and patience shown during the creation of this site.

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